Sunday, July 10, 2016

Homemade Onion Dip

Some party foods have that ability to bring up good feelings and make you feel somewhat decadent if you eat them when there is no party happening. One of those foods for me is Onion Dip. Many of you, like me, probably grew up putting Lipton's Onion Soup Mix into Sour Cream and serving it with Potato Chips or Tortilla Chips - my favorite. I always worried about getting Onion Breath, but it was just so good. that I couldn't pass it up. Nowadays, I can't use Lipton Onion Soup Mix as it contains Gluten and I don't use Sour Cream because I am also Lactose Intolerant. So, yesterday, I made Homemade Onion Dip with Sour Supreme - Better than Sour Cream - otherwise known as Soy Sour Cream, Gluten Free Beef Bouillon, Dehydrated Onions, Caramelized fresh Onion and Tamari. It was delicious!  And, because I made it myself, I put in lots more bits of onion, as that is my favorite part. It's better if you let the flavors meld together before you eat it, so if you can make it the day before, it's much better after a night in the fridge. Of course, you can make this with Sour Cream and it will still be much better than using a packaged mix. It will be much lighter in color, but it tastes great.  I would be happy to serve this at a party anytime!

Homemade Onion Dip

1 carton Soy Sour Cream (12 oz) or use regular Sour Cream (16 ounces)
2 teaspoons Tamari
1 teaspoon Beef Bouillon granules, mixed with 1 Tablespoon Boiling Water
1/3  to 1/2 cup Dehydrated Onions
1 medium Yellow Onion, minced
1 Tablespoon Oil (or Butter)

Mix together the Soy Sour Cream, the Tamari, the Beef Bouillon and the Dehydrated Onions  Stir well to combine and put aside.

In a small frying pan, heat Oil or Butter and add in the Onion. Cook on medium heat until caramelized.  Cool slightly and add to the Onion Dip and stir well.  Refrigerate Onion Dip for at least one hour or overnight.  Serve with Ridged Potato Chips or Tortilla Chips.

Five Element Analysis

Soy Sour Cream or Sour Cream belongs to the Metal Element as do Onions, but in this case, the dehydrated kind add some of the Fire Element and the Caramelized Onion contributes the Earth Element as they get sweet cooked that way. The Beef Bouillon brings in the Earth Element as do the Potato Chips or Tortilla Chips and the Tamari contributes the Water Element. This ends up being a much more balanced snack than I ever realized! 

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